Sunday, June 22, 2008

Buzzing About A New Recipe Site

I made a big ham portion for dinner a few nights ago because our teen aged grandson was here. When he's here I think big because he eats a lot!! Well, he's gone home now and we're still sitting here with a ton of ham to eat. I can freeze some, but I wanted to get another meal out of it before I did that. I'll make bean soup out of the leftovers, but I have a lot of ham to use up before I'm ready to make soup.

I searched "recipes ham leftovers" and this is the site that came up.
They suggested some that I already knew about, but also have some great suggestions that I would never have thought about. Ham loaf?? YUMMO!!! That is just the beginning. When they give the recipe for say 4 servings, you have the option of putting in the number of servings you need and it'll adjust the recipe. How great is that?? You can print it out on recipe cards too. That is a great option. I'm madly in love with this site. Do check it out. You will love it too. It is truly buzzworthy.



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