Monday, April 20, 2009

The "nether world" of factories

As a woman I find factories, their equipment, what they do and how they work boggles my mind. My husband was talking to a neighbor about their days of working in factories. The early days when they weren't in management. It was as if they were talking a foreign language!! Break presses, industrial hand wheels, motion and time study! I didn't bother to even ask any questions. I just listened and nodded my head as if I knew just what they were talking about.

We ladies got back at them, though, when we started to discuss our sewing projects and the different ways to put a zipper in. You'd have enjoyed the quizzical looks on their faces when we talked about presser feet. Talk about foreign languages. I guess we're all in the same boat when we're listening to discussions on things we know nothing about.



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