Thursday, May 29, 2008

"Sex and the City" the Movie

You're going to have to forgive me for going on and on about this event that begins Friday night across America and maybe the world. Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha, and Miranda will once again grace the big screen with the "Sex and the City" movie.

The name of this series kept me from watching it for the first few seasons. Then I heard my daughters talking about the relationship between these four friends, the clothes, the honesty between them and most of all, the acceptance of one another. Extremely different types of people, these four young ladies go about their lives in very different ways and with different sets of values, but they do it together. Oh that in real life we could find it this easy to embrace the "not always easy to take" differences we encounter in the people in our worlds.

The relationships, the clothes, the honesty all joined together to make this series one of the most popular ever, and are now making this movie a anxiously awaited event as our heroine, Carrie Bradshaw marries the love of her life, "Mr Big".

My two daughters and I have already bought our tickets for the movie. Saturday night we're going to go out to dinner and then to the movie. We can't wait!! I suggested that we all dress in fashions that would make these Sex and the City gals proud of us, but my girls said I could but they didn't want to. (such chickens I raised!! lol)

Anyway, expect a review of the "Sex and the City" movie here on Sunday or Monday. I'll tell you all about it.

If you too are going to see the movie, do let me know what you think by posting a comment here. If I get enough response I will publish them in a blog posting just for your comments.

Until next time,




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