Wednesday, April 2, 2008

American Idol's Michael Johns

It took me until the second season of American Idol to really become a fan. The last two years have been disappointing as I felt that the winners weren't the best they had to offer. I can't even remember the names of these winners, but can see their faces. The black single mother was one, and the other was the young man with gray hair. See, I can't remember their names. What does that tell you. I should look them up and will do so.

Meanwhile, back to Idol 2008. This young man that I have pictured here, Michael Johns has my eyes and my ears whenever he performs. I like a couple of the young ladies too, so have pictured them here. They are, on the left, Asia H Epperson and on the right, Cristy Lee Cook. They are very good as well.

I do feel, though, that Michael Johns is by and large the most talented of them all and the one whose records I will buy, and there will be records whether or not he wins!!!

A note on Simon Cowell, he is truly a hoot. I don't have him figured out yet so am not sure how much of his persona is truly him or just a part he's playing, the antagonist to Paula and Randy.

Anyway, I'll keep on watching. They do put on quite a show. =)

Until next time,




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