Thursday, March 27, 2008

Earth Hour countdown

Earth Hour is this coming Saturday from 8pm until 9pm. I am hoping that as many of you as can will observe this hour by shutting off your lights. I'm thinking that to light a candle and walk around our block may be something we may do, though............ as many of my neighbors don't know about earth hour they may just think that Mary and Gary have finally plopped over into the "aged land of who knows what".......with their walking around holding candles and such. =)

I didn't learn of Earth Hour until last week, so was unable to organize anything. Next year, however, my neighbors and my world will know about Earth Hour. I hope to have our entire city observing this with me. By then we'll have a more productive recycling program started here. That is in the works and due to begin any day now.

To learn more about Earth Hour and the many small ways that you too can help reduce your carbon footprint can be found on this website,

Until next time,




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